
| Appreciation Award |

Pam Rice was recognized by Jackson Park Yacht Club because of her eight years of service as a member of the Board of Directors, her work on the club's website, and her work on the club's newsletter.

| Distinguished Service Award |

Each year the Board of Directors of Family Service of South Lake County, recognizes people, community organizations and corporations whose towering contributions and stunning examples of selflessness and compassion merit soaring praise.

Ms. Rice was honored because of her annual donation of time, talent, creativity and devotion by designing the Family Service Annual Report. Each year, Pam spends approximately 80 hours to complete each report. In five years, that equates to over 400 hours of donated time. "Her dedication gives Family Service a clean, professional look in everything we do."

| Distinguished Sponsorship Award |

Pam Rice was awarded this award for her outstanding financial contributions and service to the Russell Talbert Dance Studio. Ms. Rice feels that "...the arts are so important to the development and cultural enrichment of young people."

| Appreciation Award |

Ms. Rice has monetarily supported the Sea Scouts of Jackson Park Yacht Club. "Because sailing has been a major part of my life for the past 35 years, I support the introduction of sailing to young people."

Pam Rice, over the past 30 years, has donated countless hours to support many entrepreneurial business efforts. "This has been my way of "giving back."... "How a business presents themselves, is how they are perceived..."  

| Outstanding Business & Professional Award |

Dollars & Sense Magazine


Pam Rice — Philanthropic