Please make your selection from the listing below. Feel free to ask questions via the CONTACT page. Most books are for ages 4 - 10.
Aaron's Dream

When The Brown Bird Flies

Ollie's Bubble Gum Spaceship

Leo, The Pinwheel & The Dove

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Casey's Super Hero Cape
Daisy's Bright Idea
Lizzy's Purse
The Painting Speaks
The LIttle Shoe Shine Boy
I Can Smell The Rain
The SugarCane Ride
I Grew Grandma's Tomatoes
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Turtle Finds Sunshine
Rufus Finds A Prize

Carlisle's Trumpet

A delightful story of a boy who has dreams of owning his own ship. His dream takes him on a true sailing adventure.
A young boy, enthusiastic with the idea of flight, finds a creative way to experience flying.
Ollie is a young boy who loves collecting bubble gum wrappers…this lead him to a super-dooper prize!
Leo loves his pinwheel and is facinatedwhen it is spinning. Someone else is facinated too. The pinwheel disappears.Where did it go?
Casey learns that super heros are more
than creatures flying around in colorful outfits.
A young girl makes a hasty decision and finds out it is not such a good idea.
A young girl loves carrying a purse everywhere she goes. At one point, her favorite purse goes missing
Two village friends find that sharing goes a very long way.
A young girl who appreciates art, visits a local art gallery with her class. She discovers great things from amazing paintings.
A young girl who loves mother nature has one draw-back — her fear of thunderstorms.
Yoli lives in Peru, South America. She follows her older brother and his friends. A time comes when she decides to find her own path.
Paige always gets fun mail from her Grandma! She receives a challenge from her Grandma in her most recent letter.
Carlisle questions the purpose of his practicing and playing his trumpet. Soon he finds that many enjoy his playing. He is soon rewarded
Young Bertie discovers her pet turtle may or may not be happy as a pet!
A tale of a dog that finds his own special prize.
Meet Bennie the shoeshine boy who shines shoes all over town. Bennie make shoes look better Than anyone else around.

Available as eBook 1/20/22

eBook ONLY

Effie's Gift From The Wild
KaiKai and Her Flower Melody
Mario's Circle of Friends
Wings of Color Fly Free
Whistle Watch At Uncle Willie's House
The Secret Summer Field Trip

Effie wants a dog, her family says ‘no’. One day she finds something very special and soon receives an expected surprise!
KaiKai learns how to concentrate on practicing her violin. Practicing has it’s lovely rewards!
Mario’s huge imagination lands him with a school of colorful, new friends. There are two bullies who envy Mario’s discovery but he puts them in their place.
Andy finds a new friend that does not see his disability. His friend shows him a beautiful place that adds color to his life
Sara’s Uncle Willie comes to visit every summer when Sara is out of school. He teaches her to whistle and it proves to be an worth-while and everlasting gift.
Dana's Purple Discovery
Dana loves going to the ocean.One day she discovers something special on her way to the beach.

Numbers indicate ONLY eBook Downloads

Pepper Returns Home
A heart-warming tale of a neighborhood dog, Pepper who made ever lasting friendships.
A Visit to Miz Robert's House
Henry's Tonsils
Windows into African American History
The Sun On My Face